Hair Drug Tests

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5 Things You Mightn’t Know about Hair Drug Test

Different drug testing methods have become very common and one of them is hair drug testing process which is considered to be much more popular than all the other methods. However, there are still so many people who don’t know much about it and they really want to know as much as possible. In this article, you will be able to learn something which you might not know.

Important Point # 1: Amount of Hair for Test


If you are recommended to have hair drug test by your office administration, you need to provide them with some good amount of your hair which may be between 100-120 strands. In case you have hair strands, you need to collect even more than the usual and once you have collected the required amount, you can submit to the concerned officers.

Important Point # 2: Where to Cut Hair?


It is also important to know that from where you will actually collect these hairs. Don’t think of cutting the hair ends but go for the scalp. When hair grows older and out, it becomes even more difficult to detect the drugs which may be considered good for those who have the fear of getting detected with drug consumption. It might take your hair with or without drugs to come out and become long enough so that they can be cut down for laboratory analysis.

Important Point # 3: 90 Days Drug History


One more important thing you need to know is that hair with a size of half inch represent a month long period which means if you provide laboratory with 1.5 inches long hair, it will show the drug history of 90 days which is considered to be an ideal period for the drug detection. You should know that the consumer test kits are available to cover maximum 90-day period for head hair analysis.

Important Point # 4: Process of Pulverization

You might even not know that sample hair which are given to the laboratory for test are pulverized and once hair turned into liquid form, metabolites can be sent inside and this is the process which is used by every accredited laboratory to detect drugs inside hair.

Important Thing # 5: Pass Drug Test Successfully


Hair drug tests are considered to be the most effective of all the other methods and therefore, these have become more common because the employers think this kind of method cannot be cheated and they are right, but there are still different methods which can be used to pass the test successfully to save your career. Visit this webpage and learn how you can pass the test successfully.


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07 Dec 2020 - 03:38 am

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